Eventbrite integration

Connect Affinity with your Eventbrite account to easily manage all your events.

Attendee tracking

See who’s registered for your Eventbrite events all within Affinity. Tracking RSVPs in Affinity allows you to keep a record of who attended your events.

Access attendee info and manage follow-ups

Affinity shows your team’s full relationship context with your RSVPs. View relationship strength and interactions before the event, and easily track who followed up after it.

Update list entries

Use registration information from your most popular Eventbrite events to automatically create Affinity lists for future events.

Most popular workflows

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RSVP response
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Registration is recorded on Affinity list
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Filter lists by statuses like RSVP and attended
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Turn event attendees into deals with Affinity and Eventbrite

Munich Re Ventures uses Eventbrite’s integration with Affinity to build event invite lists based on accurate, up-to-date relationship data. These individuals can be invited to curated events with seamless follow-up.

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Connect with other tools and apps


Push Notion notes and data from tables into Affinity for enhanced data enrichment and better deal management.

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Unlock bi-directional syncs between Affinity and Airtable lists that help ensure Airtable content is instantly updated when Affinity automatically captures data on people and companies

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Google Drive

Sync your most important files, attachments, and PDFs from Google Drive automatically into Affinity.

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