Box integration

Capture your most important documents automatically by connecting your Box account to Affinity.

File syncing and list management

Add a company to an Affinity list and automatically capture any associated files in your Box account.

From pitch decks and collateral, to NDAs and CIMs, Affinity seamlessly stores your attachments in both applications.

Most popular workflows

Affinity icon
A new file is uploaded to Affinity
Affinity icon
The new file is uploaded to Box
Affinity icon
Attachment found in email
Affinity icon
Attachment uploaded to Box
Affinity icon

Connect with other tools and apps


Collect and track form submissions in Affinity so your team always stays up-to-date.

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Push Notion notes and data from tables into Affinity for enhanced data enrichment and better deal management.

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Streamline customer communications by automatically syncing your Mailchimp and Affinity lists.

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