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Over 3000 organizations close deals with Affinity

Affinity's Value

Affinity is the relationship intelligence platform that empowers dealmakers in relationship-driven industries to find, manage, and close more deals. With the most automated relationship intelligence insights and technology, Affinity enables leaders to drive deals, free themselves from data drudgery, and ensure their teams can take action with confidence, knowing the context and history of every relationship.

hours saved
per person annually on manual data entry.
contacts created
per user to grow your network exponentially.
hour launch
means your new CRM is up and running fast.

Insights that drive deals

Find and drive deals with relationship intelligence based on your whole team’s network and activities. No need to ask “Do we know someone at that company?” or “Who knows that CEO the best?”

Freedom from CRM data drudgery

No more time spent creating contact profiles, no more long deployment projects, and no more CRMs that no one uses.

Confidence to collaborate

Deliver the confidence your whole team needs to take action, advance deals, and build relationships. Trust every profile and know every engagement with your target audience.

Why our customers love Affinity

"A product that has truly changed the way I work and made me so much more efficient across the team! Amazing and recommend to all! "
Harry Stebbings
Founder, Stride.VC
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"Affinity Alliances truly operationalizes our executive network. I use it every day to better understand the relationships I can leverage across Fidelity."
Alessandro Vigilante
VP Corporate Business Development, Fidelity
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"Investment banking is nothing, if not, a relationship business, and Affinity is now core to our success."
Rudy Burger
Founder and Managing Partner, Woodside Capital Partners
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"Our clients want to know that we have key access to decision-makers. We’re able to show them this by showing them the core of our CRM system—Affinity. It’s about being honest and truthful—that is what matters to clients."
Mirko Heide
Managing Director, IEG
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"Because Affinity is more intuitive [than our old system], you don’t have to go through a big training program. If we wanted to properly scale our old system, it would have taken up to twenty hours of onboarding training for new team members. Now, everyone is able to use Affinity immediately."
Michael Lamm
Co-founder & Managing Partner, CAS
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