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Learn how we can help you close more deals faster with Affinity
faster deal closes
increase in dealflow
hours saved per user

Don’t let deals escape your team

  • Unlock relationship insights to drive deals
    Stop chasing bad leads and missing deals
  • Automate record and activity creation and enrichment
    Stop wasting hundreds of hours on manual data entry every year
  • Surface insights and action on deals directly from in your everyday tools
    Stop constantly switching between tabs and tools

What is relationship intelligence from Affinity?

Warm Introduction Paths

Boost deal closing rates by 25% with warm introduction paths. Discover the strongest connections within your organization to key stakeholders, unveil hidden connections, and advance deals more effectively.

Relationship History and Context

Affinity automatically syncs with your team’s email, calendar, and Salesforce activity data. Access the complete engagement history for companies and contacts, ensuring you never miss crucial context during prospect outreach.

Automated Enrichment

Enhance your contact and organization records with data enrichment. Stay up-to-date on crucial information such as title changes, organization headcount shifts, and other key factors, ensuring you never miss the best time to reach out.

Why does relationship intelligence matter to my deal teams

Salesforce offers the ability to capture prospect and deal activity. Still, it provides no visibility into the relationships and engagement that will close the deal faster—and your teams are often reluctant to use it because of data and usability concerns.

Affinity for Salesforce combines all the data from their email, meetings, and Salesforce events to build insights that guide them within Salesforce to the warm introduction that will close their deal 25% faster. 

How automation increases deal efficiency

We automate the creation, update, and enrichment of CRM data, so dealmakers don’t have to spend their time in CRM data drudgery—giving you a full picture of people and activities engaged in every deal.

Finally, we make all these capabilities available directly in the tools you use every day: in a browser as they review a prospect's website, when you reply to an email from them, and even when you are in a Zoom meeting.

All while giving you firm complete control of privacy, security, and compliance.

Relationship intelligence to drive deals

As a dealmaker, you know that your teams are not making the most of their shared networks or their CRM data to drive deals. But forcing them to use their CRM more is not the answer.

Affinity for Salesforce ensures your firm gets the total value of your shared network by providing deal teams with automated creation and update of records, the Relationship Intelligence that drives deals, and access to CRM data in all the tools they use every day such as Chrome, Zoom, and email.

The CRM Enhancement Guide

Relationship intelligence and automation driving deals

Financial services dealmaking has fundamentally changed with the end of cheap capital and reduced operational and IT budgets. Many firms are questioning whether they are getting a sufficient return from their CRM, deal data, and deal tool investments. Read our CRM Enhancement Guide to find out how to successfully increase Salesforce adoption across the team and maximize the value it can bring to your dealmaking.

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Why our customers love Affinity

"A product that has truly changed the way I work and made me so much more efficient across the team! Amazing and recommend to all! "
Harry Stebbings
Founder, Stride.VC
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"Affinity Alliances truly operationalizes our executive network. I use it every day to better understand the relationships I can leverage across Fidelity."
Alessandro Vigilante
VP Corporate Business Development, Fidelity
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"Investment banking is nothing, if not, a relationship business, and Affinity is now core to our success."
Rudy Burger
Founder and Managing Partner, Woodside Capital Partners
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"Our clients want to know that we have key access to decision-makers. We’re able to show them this by showing them the core of our CRM system—Affinity. It’s about being honest and truthful—that is what matters to clients."
Mirko Heide
Managing Director, IEG
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"Because Affinity is more intuitive [than our old system], you don’t have to go through a big training program. If we wanted to properly scale our old system, it would have taken up to twenty hours of onboarding training for new team members. Now, everyone is able to use Affinity immediately."
Michael Lamm
Co-founder & Managing Partner, CAS
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